Monday, June 1, 2009


Remember the theory of focus? Where we will be more warm summer feel even when we are close and very close to the center of the fire, otherwise we will feel the cold, cold and even frozen when we menjauh from the center of the fire. Earth is our habitation, menjauh shifted only slightly from the sun then the earth will be destroyed because itupun frozen, begitupun shifted only slightly near the sun, the earth will be destroyed by the burn. Subhanalloh such Alloh create all things in the world with this size. Earth rotates on porosnya, the sun and planet-planet in the Jagat raya this walk with the size and requirements. Charred or burnt frozen, two things - the result of a shift. As disinggung above-that is very much needed at a consistent size and provisions, so that the harmony of life and maintain life. Consistent in the size of one means that when we realize the degree of heat sufficient to ourselves at one position, do not we try to menjauh shifted from the position. Or when we feel the warmth of the fire is reduced and the cold start, we soon realized that we have shifted from paosisi where we stand upright, menjauh source of warmth. Terms / provisions is the value that will be received when we determine the distance to the source we antaera warmth is. Summer glow, warm, and Adem, cold shivering even frozen. Perhaps the requirements according to the description above. The frozen that I made the title oret-oretan this is one I study when I return I mereorientasi perjalanhidup that almost a half century. Surely that means that the lesson for me, and I want to share with all. That when the piling and departure have been stuck in front of the goal line membantang life and the life that has been set. And then distance themselves a source of energy (focus warmth, faith) is very much determined. How can I walk in darkness without light, how can I walk in the sun without teriknya a shadow, and how can I run on a very cold penghangat a Tapa?. All that will be passed when we keep the distance with which we have light, shadow and mpunya owner warmth. What can we do pertahankan distance until menjauh shifts and also do not shove it melampui point because we will burn. Region kedirian we only limit to the warmth and the heat does not burn ourselves. Guidance on this matter the Qur'an: "And they did not glorify God with the proper pengagungan the whole earth in his fist on the Day of Resurrection and the heavens digulung with his right hand. Glory to God Most High and He's what they associate. "(Qs. Aj Jumar: 67) Pengagungan the actual (haqqo qodrihi), is valid in accordance with our qodar Alloh SWT. Al-qodr means kemulyaan (Lailatul qodr = night kemulyaan). Pengagungan or memulyakan Alloh SWT is manifest gratitude to him the implications of keeping upright in the other provisions teguhnya him. Denagan other words someone achieve degrees Mulya (akrom) when he memulyakan / glamourize Robbnya with trying meneegakkan rule in his life. So frozen (due to stagnation in the self-confidence memudarnya on Qodlo and qodr Alloh) will not happen while we remain "on track" Alloh maintain qodar of SWT. So friends' the frozen 'edition today, wallohu' natural

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