Gossip, is the oldest traditions in human history. Heredity and inherited from generation to generation. Somehow become human without gossip, quiet ...? Ah .. loneliness is prison for life and want to develop in a community, community. Gossip, for some people is a requirement. As social beings that can not be denied that people always meet the desire to interact with each other. Gather, chat and exchange ideas is also a tendency to do. These interactions arise from a habit ngerumpi alias ngegosip also become far more tradition gossip that is very difficult to prohibited because it is … asyiik. So for the 'people' who like ngegosip no day without gosip no time elapsed without gossip ( rubbered more the siiiip, hehe ... And the strange people who do gossip (penggosip) always have an idea for the episode day by day (creative banget ya). Exhausted the topic of the topic will arise ... Hidayat. eh ... sorry another topic. Along with the development of technology and the era of gossip was to be different trends in society. One thing that becomes the event a 'must' for every stasion TV in the country. If the gossip is the first time in the foyer or do 'golodog' (sunda), it is now more widespread again. Can be in a room, in the middle of the house, even in the kitchen in the toilet even gossip can be done through the television. A Host, presenter must have 'capital / talent' gossip in the event that carries the show. Because without that it seems less afdol tuhh. Gossip has become a whole human consumption in Indonesia. Not unless children under the age or even families, program it into their gossip. So .... gossip has become a cultural and even "already tradiiisi", ya .... gossip has become a tradition of the Indonesian people in general. Anekdot have Indosesia and gossip about this. That the Indonesian people as well penggosip. Cruise when a person with the Indonesian people toward Japan Francis and a goal away in there. chance that their ships use to sail stranded On the island as the storm menyeretnya to the island did not have a master, whether the island is named. Short stories they have passed a dozen years on the island. Is not no business to leave the island, but they apparently less fortunate. Till on a day they met with Jin and a promising akan grant application for 3 people 3. First asked the Japanese people. "O Nipon what you want?" The Japanese said, "I am nostalgic work O Jin, then I return to Japan to work." Slabim Sim, the Japanese are to diatarkan country. So people Ferancis, "If I have been very homesick restauran, I wanted to enjoy the delicious meal there", then he returned to Francis. Neeh people we serve .... people of Indonesia. Si Jin said, "O people Andonesa ..., What you want ..?" Si ... Andonesa neeh confused while claw head. "I ... I want to return both of them! here ..? These are the people we already saking edic ngegosip same Si Francis and the Nipon, also want to demand their share in the island. Expertise may be so … , .. he .. he
Gossip = ghibah, for in ghosip have ghibah and in ghibah certainly have ghosip. Irrespective of where digosipiin, meaning good or bad. Once ghibah ya ... ghibah. and sin according to some scholars. Moreover, the gossip that profokasi (namimmah) ff. Gossip is so complete nest ugliness. Prickly gossip and happy laughter when we were trapped in the form aperngkapnya pad ghibah this. If gossip is tangible and can then be thrown to the sea, the sea will become black, so Rosululloh in a Hadith. Gossip is a matter that is the doghouse Rosul also Alloh SWT. Isn'T demean the person or persons to discuss the stigma, discuss the good of any person including ghibah .... waaww terrible. Naah ... the how to sohib? especially while our womenfolk, like ngegosip. Either in the office, at home wherever atawa gossip so dah tradition. After that gossip is a disgraceful thing ... reduce deeh first, or the right word STOP Gossip. Because the gossip is not more science, more clearly that evil spread. Not one of the electrical current is sin but many people, around people who ngegosip it is .. And when it is said unto them: Follow that which Allah. " They said: "(No), but we (only) to follow what we found our fathers following." And whether they (the fathers of them) even though they call it the devil to torment in the fires of fiery (fire)? (Qs. LUQMAN: 21) hopefully helpfuloldest, science
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